Coe’s Comfrey sells the Bocking #4 strain of Russian comfrey, Symphytum Peregrinum, which is best for hardiness, highest yield and the highest protein with high allantoin content; for fodder, compost and all around general use.
As with all growing things, the more mature grades of Comfrey are progressively stronger. Therefore, Crown cuttings are 2 - 3 times stronger than Root cuttings, One-year old plants are 2 - 3 times stronger than crown cuttings, and so on. The largest plants we sell, the 3 to 4 year old plants are 3 - 4 times stronger than one-year old plants.
Your planting stock is packed in sawdust for shipping via U.S. mail.
In the future we will offer additional types of Comfrey, including ornamental and medicinal varieties.
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Sorry, no credit cards are currently accepted.
Please call 828-321-4913 between the hours of 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM EST --- Seven Days A Week!
Coe prefers an old-fashioned phone call rather than email to contact you when your order is shipped or if there are any questions. Your phone number, email, name, and address are all kept confidential for office use only.
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Prices subject to change without notice.
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