Testimonials for Coe's Comfrey

For over forty years, Coe has propagated, cultivated, and harvested Bocking #4 Comfrey.
Coe's Comfrey is naturally watered, fertilized with organic livestock manure and liquid comfrey compost (LCC), and then dug, processed, and shipped to customers.
Organic materials, mostly from Coe's farm, are used. This preserves the integrity of our plants' quality.
No chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides are used. Comfrey doesn't need them!
The plants are watered with pure mountain spring water and rain. God gives the increase, as thousands of customers can attest to! Currently, Coe digs the comfrey and processes all orders.
Each piece, whether root, crown, or one-, two- or 3-to-4-year plant, is carefully inspected and selected for you by Coe.
Coe's Comfrey is grown and prepared with hard work, and comes with service that speaks for itself.
Here are testimonials to the quality of our comfrey, our bonus content and our overall service. These are from emails by customers who have plenty to say and share about our plants.
These testimonials were not solicited in any way by Coe's Comfrey. While we always appreciate a kind word from customers, we do not infringe on their peace of mind to get it.
(To see a provided image more clearly, click on it and the image will open in a new tab or window.)
Coe's service was outstanding. He clearly knows his stuff, and cares about his plants and his customers.
He went out of his way to accommodate me and make sure I had all the information I needed to successfully transplant the excellent 2-5 year old plants and cuttings of which he generously sent extra. He even called and left me messages and wrote extra instructions in with the plants. I transplanted them in early fall in the north, and they came up strong and healthy within days.
I am working on a food forest for my chickens and will need a lot of them, so I will definitely be buying more in spring. I've never had such great and dedicated service and HIGHLY recommend Coe's if you want superior comfrey plants.
Nicole in Pennsylvania
October 3, 2024
You guys are amazing. Your last plants were so strong that it is well worth the wait. Take care and thank you!
Bill A.
Shrewsbury, PA
July 30, 2024
Hello Coe!
It was absolutely wonderful talking with you yesterday. We are SO on the same page, and I'm so grateful my son told me about you!
Enclosed is my ebook, How Juicing Saved My Life. You can click on the table of contents and anything written in color to navigate through the book.
The title of Walt's story when he healed from a 20 foot fall is entitled, "All the King's Horses and All the King's Men" inside of the book (page 94).
Thank you for what you are doing and for the service you provide!
I can't even imagine all the people you have helped.
Tracee Sloan
Valparaiso, IN
May 18, 2024
(Editor's Note: The ebook is a 151-page .pdf file, 171 mb in size. You will need to download it before reading it.)
Thanks so much for this wonderful plant. I will appreciate it. The others I got from you had to transplant due to heat, takes awhile to get going again. I love this plant and still need it for bone help.
Recently my bike fell on my ankle so this Comfrey is definitely going to help. Broke ankle in three places, but plants such as awesome Comfrey help as a tea and as a compress.
Blessings to you Coe, keep up the good work.
Bob and Donna
Rockport, TX
June 28, 2023
Yes I just wanted to take time to thank you for your generosity! The plants you sent are all doing great. I tell anyone with chickens or cows it will help keep them healthy, and the animals love comfrey.
Thanks again,
Butch R.
Greeneville, TN
June 26, 2023
Want to THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the really nice root cuttings and the beautiful crown cuttings!
It is so appreciated and everything is growing beautifully. Thanks so very much and also for all the advice, special care and joining me in heart-felt prayer for our widowed daughter and her twin boys. YOU ARE A BLESSING SIR!
Blessings to you and thank you for all!
Carolynn F.
Cameron, NC
June 5, 2023
This (picture) is exactly one week.
I did as you said and covered the crowns. We filled the bed with straw, cardboard, black cow compost and Pete's raised bed mix. Soaked after each layer. Then came Ian with lots of rain. Thay are very happy and so are we.
We are extremely grateful. My foot is healed with the extra plant material you sent!
God bless you and your family,
Kathi P.
Waretown, NJ
October 4, 2022
Very happy with your stock. I started a small patch last December and am now harvesting and making a tea regularly.
Thanks so much for the fine stock.
My first harvest of comfrey and making of comfrey tea was a scant 3 months after planting. I highly recommend the excellent 3-4 year old plant root stock. 100% sprouting, vigorous growth.
I planted a 30 sq. ft. patch in aged cow manure and Ormus enhanced vermicompost which we make here at the farm. I fertilize monthly with Alchemist Plant Elixir-a mixture of comfrey tea, Ormus, and vermicompost drippings.
Read more about the process here.
Ralph Kinsley and Chris Emmons
Emmons Essential Essence
Live Oak, FL
May 09, 2022
Hi Coe,
Got 'em. You definitely have the best deal online. Excellent cutting size and the bonus(Oh my).
Thank You Very Much,
Phil B.
Cayuga, IN
May 09, 2022
Greetings Bill and Coe!
The original ETA was showing Saturday 4/16, but I was elated to see that the comfrey was actually delivered yesterday.
I am very excited and thankful for your sharing these prolific perennials (and the "extras").
Have a happy Friday and fantastic weekend!
H. Akira
Cayuga, IN
April 15, 2022
I was a little worried with the freeze but these plants have gotten sooo big. Thank you very much! I'm telling everyone about your company!!
Desiree S.
Sulphur Springs, TX
April 14, 2022
Howdy, a quick note to let you know that my comfrey plant is doing well in deep south texas. I planted it in JUNE 2021 and it survived the 100°+ temperatures. I am growing it in semi-shade and have harvested several times already.
Enclosed is a picture, seven months after planting.
Thank you!!
Loni S.
Edinburgh, TX
January 31, 2022
Hi Bill and Coe,
I received my order of comfrey plants and cuttings in perfect condition – your packing of these item is excellent.
We are in the middle of putting up a barn so I had to refrigerate the parcels for nearly a week, but yesterday planted them temporarily into a raised bed until spring. I had planned to plant them in their final locations, however, because of the summer's drought, the ground was so hard I couldn't auger deeper than a few inches. In the spring, after the winter rains, I plan to auger holes for the comfrey and for fruit and nut trees and fill the holes with a mixture of compost, sand and soil so all the plantings have an easy time growing the first year.
Anyway – thank you so much for the care and attention you pay to your shipments!
Kind Regards,
Mary C.
Saint Maries, ID
October 27, 2021
Dear Coe,
Thanks so much for sending the order of comfrey roots so quickly and for carefully packaging them. They are in the ground! Looking forward to watching them grow.
Much appreciated!!
Mary W.
Wynnewood, PA
October 13, 2021
Good afternoon!
My Comfrey order arrived today! I am VERY pleased with the crowns and free cuttings and the way they were packaged!!! ❤️
It was great to smell the pine sawdust and not rotting leaves. Lol Here's to an amazing season to you! And I will definitely be passing your website along to others!
Thank you!
Shannon C.
Northern Michigan
August 06, 2021
Received my order.. was so pleased and excited ... can not wait until it grows. Very neatly packed and generous. Thank you so much. Will recommend it for sure.
Have a blessed day.
Phyllis D.
Eccles, WV
May 10, 2021
Just wanted to say thank you for your personalized service! It was a breath of fresh air to receive a hand-addressed package with personal notes. My order arrived yesterday in perfect condition. I planted the roots right away in 1 gallon pots so that we have some time to figure out where all the plants will eventually go in the ground. Really appreciate the great information on your website as well as all enclosed with the order. After learning all the amazing things about this plant, I've been telling my gardening friends that they need some comfrey in their garden! :) Thanks again.
Amy B.
Savannah, GA
February 23, 2021
Hi Coe,
I just wanted to let you know that my order just got here! Thank you so much for your personalized instructions -- you have a wonderful website promoting this amazing plant that I had heard of but never knew anything about. I spent several days following the sun over my backyard, so I've picked the perfect spot and now I'm excited to put my husband to work digging to get this wonderful plant growing.
Thanks again!
Debra C.
Newport News, VA
November 27, 2020
Thank you. My comfrey arrived, and I am very pleased with it. I have planted much of it and it looks healthy. Please thank Coe for me. Please tell him I appreciate everything he sent me.
Best wishes,
Martha H.
Cookeville, TN
September 20, 2020
Thank you, Bill, for all your helpful correspondence regarding my recent order.
Everything arrived well and I am so happy about the plants.
Thank you so very much. Your company has been a joy to do business with!
Barbara L.
Nashville, TN
August 17, 2020
Hey Bill,
I want to send you all at Coe's Comfrey a note saying thank you so much for the superbly packaged assortment of Comfrey cuttings and plants. They all are either growing in buckets or already happy in the ground and fully leafing out, so much so that I have Comfrey coming out the yin/yang.
Tom G.
Mamaroneck, NY
June 29, 2020
Thank you dear Bill and Coe❤
This small Oregon family farm is about to benefit from your comfrey plants...the garden, goats and chickens will be happy (as the humans who have been known to consume a bit in tea)...
I realize you had had a crazy season. I am happy to look forward to the arrival of my confrey. It will flourish here in a garden that has been eagerly awaiting its arrival. May you be well and good in North Carolina (I've been there for work trainings. Beautiful place!)
Our sincere appreciation from one small farm to another. We know it is a labor of love.
Kind regards,
Jennifer Bennett, RN
Steward, Holly Ridge Farm
Pleasant Hill, OR
June 20, 2020
Dear Coe,
Hope y'all are OK. I can never repay the sense of accomplishment i have gotten from my comfrey. I had a rough start but I think these two comfrey plants will head us in the right direction. Bless you and, again, thank you for your patience with me.
Tamera C.
Luling, TX
June 2, 2020
Dear Coe's,
I received my order from you today and am very happy with it. I've planted everything according to your instructions so we'll see what happens.
I'm looking forward to a much better outcome this time.
Thanks & Blessings,
Debbie Blount
4 Bees Herb Farm
Sarasota, FL
May 22, 2020
I purchased a rooting from you a few months ago.
Sorry for the delayed response but I wanted to say thank you very much for sending out the other crowns and comfrey roots you sent me. I really appreciate the extras!
Thank you again for all the extra cuttings.
Kevin C.
Hugo, OR
May 4, 2020
Thank you for my order and the three extra you sent for free. All are doing very well.
Kevin H.
Arvada, CO
April 27, 2020
Bill and Coe;
Just wanted to drop you a note that the last plant just emerged from the soil from the bonus root cuttings that came with my order. This completes a 100% survival/success rate from all stock that I purchased; 2-year, 1-year, roots and bonus roots. What a great success!!!!!! Your planting instructions were of great help in obtaining this success. Everything you promised was delivered. I am looking forward to many future harvests of this great plant.
Only one problem, the local deer have found my beautiful Comfrey plants, so I have had to cover them with netting. Thanks for your great service, instructions and quality.
Bo K.
Hilton Head Island, SC
March 24, 2020
We received our order of comfrey and it's "warming" in the fridge after
spending a night outside in the mailbox and freezing temps. I doubt the
roots themselves froze given the excellent packaging you provided. All
will be planted over the next few days.
I must say I'm surprised and impressed to have received an handwritten
missive directed at our particular situation. Thank you for that
personal attention and extra effort. As we increase our comfrey
plantings, know you've secured a regular customer who will be
recommending your company to others.
Be well, stay safe.
Charles "Pappy" Thomas
Duck Trails Farm
Iuka, MS
January 21, 2020
Thank you! I received my package this afternoon and stuck it in the fridge until I can get them in the ground either tomorrow or Saturday.
I just got your voicemail as well. Thank you for the great customer service!
Emily R.
Coldwater, MS
January 2, 2020
Good afternoon,
I just placed an order for comfrey crowns through your website.
This is my second order from you, and the first comfrey is doing really well. I'm excited to expand my patch. The chickens really love it. Thanks for providing a good healthy plant.
Jennifer J.
Altamonte Springs, FL
December 12, 2019
Hi, Coe and crew,
I received my comfrey crowns and roots. Thank you so much for all the extra stock you sent! I will share some with my friend who gardens and tell her where I got it.
You mentioned my Florida experience was valuable, so I wanted to tell you how it's going. Mine is in mostly full sun and thriving. I'm in zone 9b. It doesn't seem to mind the heat or sun, and though it often wilts during the hottest part of the day in the summer, it perks right up afterward. It doesn't seem to mind dry spells once it's established. The ones I planted in fertile holes did GREAT; however, the ones I started in a fertile bed and transplanted after a few months did not do well and mostly died. I found transplanting difficult. This next batch are all either going directly where I want them to end up or into pots to be transplanted ASAP. They grow back quickly after harvesting, and my chickens love them. I haven't made compost tea yet but plan to. My soil is extremely sandy, though I did amend the holes well at planting time.
Thanks again, and hope you had a wonderful New Year.
Jennifer J.
Altamonte Springs, FL
January 5, 2020
The order arrived about 4 PM today. I just finished planting them into the prepared site.
Thank you so much for the bonus material. I will keep you updated with the progress of these plants. I prepared the planting site following the directions on your site to include composting the holes.
I am excited to try this plant and see how it works out for me. I have grown citrus for many years [ mid 1960's ] except for a tour of duty in the late 60's. I have always used compost and avoided herbicides. They can praise roundup all they want but it kills to the roots and that is why our agriculture is failing - in my opinion. I used a harrow for cultivation and had annual production of citrus at the rate of 1000 to 1500 / 90 pound boxes of citrus with very high quality juice content. This is a documented fact. I think comfrey is a huge asset, for many growers are applying tree mulch and it is not broken down.
I had a cation-exchange rate of 5 in sugar sand soil with the first hardpan (dense soil) at 80 feet; basically the sand held the trees upright. The leach rate was 30 inches per hour. To this day most growers can not believe how I achieved these results. Unfortunately when my folks passed, my brother and sister got greedy and the farm was dissolved. But I am still farming. Again, thank you so much. Now, we will see how good I can grow this plant.
Mark P.
Lithia, FL
October 7, 2019
Thanks for the time that you took to talk about comfrey. I really enjoyed it. I've read about everything I can find on comfrey, and I am looking forward to getting started. Again, I want to say that the website is very helpful, well-written, and fun to read.
Sheldon S.
Charlotte, NC
August 24, 2019
When I got home from work yesterday at 4:00, the plants were here. Because I had the holes already pre-prepared and they were calling for a lot of rain today, I was able to get to get all the plants in the ground. The root cuttings are going to have to wait for a better weather day because it is going to rain all day today. As I write this I can hear the rain hitting the skylight. The plants were very well packed and top quality beautiful plants. Each time I have opened a box that you guys have sent me you can tell from the very beginning to the very end the amount of care and attention you guys put in your product. You guys may be a little slow but there is nobody that can beat the quality that you guys produce. Thanks for the extra root cuttings and the attention to quality.
Sheldon S.
Charlotte, NC
December 13, 2019
Hi Coe,
I just wanted to let you know that your website is super informative and helpful. I've been growing & propagating comfrey for a few years now, and I've referenced your planting and growing instructions multiple times. Today, I decided to order some plants from you, mostly just to say thanks for putting that website together and helping share information for other gardeners, many of whom probably aren't customers but need the details you provide. Folks like you are making the decentralized spread of sustainable homesteading possible, and I just wanted to add my thanks to the pile in a more concrete way.
So, I'm definitely looking forward to the ten yearling plants (and the 5 small bonus plants), since I don't have any Russian comfrey yet, but I wanted to let you know that my order is primarily to support what you're doing. I hope your business is thriving and that you're generating tons of interest through your podcast appearances and such.
Thanks again,
Shannon Field
Mosby's Secret Sidehill Farm (Mosbys.org)
Amherst, VA
August 16, 2019
Hi Bill and Coe!
Just want to thank you again; the comfrey plants and the bonus roots are putting out big, healthy leaves, and I'm listening to the podcasts you sent me while I garden, cook, and comb/spin/weave my sheep wool. I very much appreciate it and I'm spreading the word among my gardening and herbalist friends about your company.
Keep up the great work!
Shannon Field
Mosby's Secret Sidehill Farm (Mosbys.org)
Amherst, VA
September 26, 2019
I can not say enough how pleased I am with the comfrey I bought from you . The plants are better then ever with the wet/mild winter we had..
We are in perilous times and we are keeping on top of what is going on.
Know you are as well.
Take care and stay safe,
Patrice B.
May 17, 2019
Dear Coe and Bill,
I want to thank you again for my last order - from 2015 or so. My original comfrey plantings are doing great, and I harvest frequently for my little "orchard" (lemons, kumquats, oranges, figs, loquats, pomegranates espaliered all over my urban yard), and some kickstarting for the compost bin and the non-edibles, too. I actually got comfrey flowers for the first time this year - so pretty...
Anyway, I just planted another dozen citrus trees, so.... I'm gonna need more comfrey! I live in the heart of the city, with constant foot traffic by my corner lot -- dogwalkers, shoppers, tourists, etc. I get so many questions about my comfrey planted along the sidewalk - especially from fellow home gardeners who are curious about this lush, unfamiliar plant.
It is not widely planted here, but, with your help, I am changing that.... one passalong start at a time! Even the strictly ornamental gardeners are impressed by its grace and toughness - to our heat and humidity, swampy clay soil, and to the heavy dog-peeing-traffic on a busy corner...
Bottom line, comfrey is a wonder plant!
Once again, thank you.
Jim D.
New Orleans, LA
April 25, 2019
My name is Tim Bartin. I work at Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. I hope your business is doing well.
I work in the seed store during the busy season and help inform the customers of how to successfully garden and other homesteading techniques. I have referred many people to your business. A friend gave me some roots starts from the comfrey they purchased from you. I have grown them in wood chips to use for fertilizer. I make a tea in the mesophilic stage of fermentation. This has produced amazing results in my gardens.
I thought you would like to hear of success stories. Many more should be buying your comfrey and having wonderful benefits all around the homestead if they follow the information I pass on to them.
I have been so pleased to use comfrey. I will be expanding my stock in the future. Last year I made 850 gallons of comfrey tea. I was sent an article from Mother Earth News on alfalfa tea in the mesophilic stage of microbial activity. I substituted your comfrey and Bocking 14. It works amazingly. I will need to make much more as the seasons pass and my pursuits grow. Literally!
Wishing you all success.
Tim Bartin
Representative, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co.
Mansfield, MO
April 5, 2019
We're so thankful to have someone so passionate about comfrey.
Keep up the great work and thank you.
Mary H..
Slippery Rock, PA
March 25, 2019
Hi Bill,
Please tell Coe thank you so much for the beautiful plants and the potato-onion starts too. I loved all the instructions he included, and we are looking forward to watching the DVDs. We got all the plants into their prepared holes today even though it was in the 30s here! We are looking forward to seeing things sprout up in spring. I will spread the word about your plants and great customer service!
Tia P.
Roland, OK
January 24, 2019
Your package made it here yesterday and everything arrived OK. Thank you for including the extras... CDs, extra plants, and all of the instructions/documents. I'm going to try a couple of things with them. We've got a regular greenhouse (that I mentioned before), and a small greenhouse with an aquaponics system that I've had luck with for the past couple of years, and I'm going to put some others into smart pots in my garage... a bit warmer than the big greenhouse and easier to transplant this spring. I'll let you know how they work out if you're interested.
We (Green Owl Farmacy) have been working on a web site that should be online in the next couple of weeks. I'll have pictures of everything on there too.
Thank you again for your wonderful comfrey.
Derek Kistler
Owner, (Green Owl Farmacy, LLC
Greenback, TN
December 27, 2018
Hi, Bill!
Finally, I'm pursuing a dream. I'm sorting house and packing a camper in prep to move to my land in MO. We'll set up camp and spend the next month getting the lay of the land coordinated with my dream of producing medifood products for family and ...
I had potted up some comfrey but the chickens were let loose when my hubs left their gate open as he nursed a fire in there.
You know chickens adore comfrey right down to the roots!??
I'll be needing a goodly supply. I also want to produce ginseng and elderberry. Will be wanting to get them in asap!
Laura T.
Ortanna, PA
November 24, 2018
I don't need any roots at this time because the last ones I got from you took off wonderfully and I love them. But, I will post your link on my FB page Rae the Farmer to see if I can help you out in return for you sending the best comfrey out there!
Merry Christmas my friend!
Rae E.
Rae the Farmer on Facebook
Cabool, MO
November 24, 2018
Shipment received. We will be putting this in the ground by the weekend.
The other shipment went very well, we already have sprouts!
Thanks so much for all your help Coe, I may call you down the road a year or so when we are ready to start drying this stuff out for winter feeding.
Be well and have a good winter gentlemen.
Curtis Burnside
Co-Owner, Sospiro Ranch
Pisgah Forest, NC
October 03, 2018
Thanks for your call.
I have all the Comfrey planted, it's all coming up great. It was planted in plastic mulch sheeting that I had burned holes in for the planting. As you know the first half got in about two months ago.
That stuff is coming up pretty good and is now 3 to 6 inches tall.
The other half of the order got in a few weeks ago, it's been a little slow to start but we are seen about an 80% sprout rate – many of them are 2 inches already!
I think we will be fine going into the wintertime, although this stuff is planted down in a valley pasture area where it's a little bit cooler, it seems to be taking the weather pretty well and it's had plenty of water so it's been growing real good.
I thank you very much for your follow-up. You've done a great job here and I think will be fine going into the new year… of course we are not cutting any of it now, we will just leave it all to wilt, and then look for a hearty spring growth.
Have a good holiday season Coe, and thank you for all your help and advice.
Please call with any questions.
Curtis Burnside
Co-Owner, Sospiro Ranch
Pisgah Forest, NC
November 05, 2018
I got my second box of comfrey with your added very generous bonuses and the CDs. I sure appreciate your speedy, very generous service.
Thank you so much and God bless!
We'll tell others!
Mary Kay A.
Weiser, ID
September 19, 2018
Dearest Coe,
I think that you and your crew are amazing. As a lifetime gardener over 60 years, it's been a pleasure dealing with you.
I am so proud to tell anyone to go to Coes for all the comfrey goings-on.
Tamera C.
Luling, TX
July 19, 2018
I received my shipment on Monday morning. Everything was in great shape, and the root cuttings were much larger than the ones I have seen on youtube videos. I was able to get everything planted by Tuesday afternoon. Thank you so much for such a healthy product and service you provide.
James J.
June 06, 2018
I planted my comfrey I ordered from you.
It is growing more everyday to the point that I have already harvested a few leaves from each plant.
The past 7 years my sister has had a terrible problem with her left shoulder. I made comfrey salve and had her apply to her shoulder once a day. She is so thankful her shoulder has improved mobility and reduced pain.
God has given us plants to help, to heal, to use for a blessed life.
Thank you for all you do!
Jan J.
June 05, 2018
Thank you! The wonderful advantage of living in the 'middle of nowhere' in ND is that the mailman will put my precious packages of living things in my porch. He even put baby chicks into their ready-to-go brooder in exchange for eggs once when I couldn't go to the post office in the morning when they arrived. People here are like family. You guys have been the same to deal with- it is so refreshing. Thanks again.
Karin B.
Marion, ND
May 14, 2018
Hello Bill! I just wanted to send you and Coe a couple of photos of happy comfrey in my garden. Every single root that you sent grew, and is absolutely flourishing in the garden. Thank you so much for a quality product. I will order again soon!!!
Warm wishes,
Lenna S.
Culpeper, VA
May 05, 2018
Thanks for the second half of my order.
Just to let you know, all the first half of the order have come up just fine.
I planted in 6 inch pots and already moved a lot of them outside.
Some of the cuttings got frozen for a few days, but they all came up just fine.
I will order from you again sometime.
Thanks again.
Bill R.
Weldon, IA
April 16, 2018
Bill, you guys did an awesome job on my order.
Thanks so much for all the extras!
Will definitely buy from you guys again & refer customers to you in the future.
Nick M.
Burmingham, AL
March 6, 2018
I placed an order for crown cuttings. Thanks so much.
Your crowns were very viable and took as soon as I planted them. I have an herbal school in Rockport, ME and we use your comfrey for teas, medicinal oils, salves, and for compost tea.
Blessings on your day,
Melanie Rose Scofield
Director/Founder, Earthwalk School of Herbal Traditions
Rockport, ME
March 5, 2018
Hello Coe,
I just wanted to say it was a pleasure talking with you the other day and I appreciate your call and all the hard work you put into making your Comfrey top notch. I will be ordering soon and I am sharing your website with all of my gardening groups.
Thanks so much,
Jan D.
Lakeland, FL
February 28, 2018
Just wanted to let you know the crowns and roots arrived and are already up and growing.
Thanks very very much.
Your new friend,
Frank D.
Houston, TX
February 22, 2018
Order received and is fantastic!!!!! Thank you for your care of service and wonderful plants!!!
Chris M.
Verona, VA
January 8, 2018
I received my order and bonus. :) And, thank you for sending the CDs and DVDs.
My plants from Jan. 2016 are growing well. I'm sure these new ones will grow just as well.
Thank you,
Donna C.
September 9, 2017
Nashua, NH
I bought my 3-4 year old plants from you this spring (3 of them) and they are doing great. I have two in very large pots and the other is in the ground.
Love these plants; if I had more room, I would buy more.
Stephani B.
Blair, OK
August 26, 2017
I just wanted to say that my order showed up today and... wow! It has been a while since I saw a hand written message from a company that I've done business with. That doesn't even take into account all of the extras that were sent. This is how businesses should operate and sadly something that I don't see much of these days.
You earned a customer for life and I'll tell anyone interested in comfrey to head your way.
Eujon S.
Centennial, CO
July 6, 2017
I want to say (and you are welcome to use this as a testimonial):
Coe's Comfrey is amazing at communicating exactly what is happening with my order and then over-delivering their promises. My order was packaged well and exactly as promised, plus a few unexpected surprises. Will definitely order from them again.
Jessica Craddock
Founder, The Artist Market Co.
Hesperus, CO
June 9, 2017
I want to thank you for the lovely roots and bonus roots and the jam packed CDs.(and DVDs). I live beyond radio and TV signals and livestream radio over the computer by solar powered radio signal....it is low powered but in my price range...These CDs are so appreciated. I am listening when ever I am in the car, and haven't come close to hearing all of them yet. They will definitely impact my eating decisions....some of the points made, it goes without saying, are already input into my decisions, but they are good material for sharing... Thank you so much for what you have done.
Cara F.
Moyie Springs, ID
Jun 6, 2017
Mr. Comfrey,
Just a note about your plants. I received my order in great shape. Excellent packaging! They were planted that night after the sun was setting, and all have broken their covering and are reaching for the sun! I thought this south Florida sun would be hard on them, but all of them are thriving. You sell the best plants I have bought by far and I have bought quite a few!! Thank you so much.
Merald S.
Okeechobee, Florida.
May 30, 2017
Dear Bill,
I am beside myself with your generosity and goodwill. You lead the pack when it comes to customer service and satisfaction. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have never been treated this way by any other company that I have purchased from. I did get 2 more pieces of root to come up for a total of 7 out of the 17 you sent me and I was happy to have them. I have babied them so much ,and they are doing fine. I will do my best to get all that you are sending me to come up and be productive. I will harvest and dry the extra comfrey to feed my rabbits this winter. I will now have enough to do that thanks to you. Again thank you, you have made my day. I will be ready to get them as soon as they come in the mail.
Sincerely, Your friend
Robert H.
Logan, OH
May 24, 2017
Just wanted to say thanks for all the dvd's and extras cuttings!! I really appreciate what you're doin down there....Keep up the good work!!
Forever Grateful,
Noah G.
Petoskey, MI
May 19, 2017
I just wanted to thank you for your sweet plants! They are thriving in our garden.
I appreciate what you offer. It's a gift to all who purchase it.
With much gratitude,
Kailyn Boerner
Heart in Hands / Family Photographer
Durham, NC
May 3, 2017
My husband ordered comfrey from you all and we just got it! Thank you so much for all the DVDs and the funny cartoon. :p We use essential oils so that was right up my alley! Anyway, I just wanted to take the time to say thank you again!
Crystal S.
Creations Way Farm<
Bedford, IN
May 15, 2017
I want to sincerely thank you for the excellent comfrey roots you shipped last fall.
I ordered fifty, you shipped approximately seventy pieces – and I had 100% successful growth. All have been transplanted to their final growing spot – and they are thriving. All of the comfrey plants are extremely healthy, growing large, green leaves which I am now harvesting regularly.
Seth J Hersh
Catskills Comfrey
Fleischmanns, NY
July 19, 2017
I pray all is well with you. We purchased comfrey around 2010. It has been a blessing for many! I put it in with tree planting, give it to earth worms, poultry drink it eat it some, green manure for garden, sprains, salve bone injuries,… Thank you for making it available, I have passed on your contact info a few times.
Your life, like a stone making ripples in a lake, has reached out in ever increasing cracks to touch many other lives. May we do the same with the hope of forgiveness & eternity without suffering!
Your Neighbor in Christ,
Todd D.
Mansfield, MO
July 7, 2017
I am writing today in response to receiving my comfrey order in the mail. I would like to thank you for every aspect of this transaction. From the pre order interaction when you more than answered all of my questions to everything extra I received with my order. You are running a fantastic customer service based business and I am very pleased to have supported you. The information packet, extra comfrey, cartoon, dvd's etc all went above and beyond any expectation. I will definitely recommend your business to anyone I come across looking to purchase comfrey (unless of course I end up selling some myself in the distant future). Thank you again for your fantastic customer service and going above and beyond any expectations. Keep up the great work.
Brian and Kori Aleksivich
Happy Hills Homestead
Onamia, Minnesota
April 20, 2017
Thank you very much. I will be working on my pasture in another project and will definitely order again. You all are the best.
Happy Easter Season,
Corinna B.
Ramona, California
April 5, 2017
Just got my order today and WOWZER!! I am soooooo impressed - - I didn't even know about the CDs and then extra cuttings to boot!!
The DVD selection is rrrrright up my alley too. Been listening to Jack Spirko since like 2010 I think so that was a pleasant surprise!
Liz D.
Middletown, Maryland
March 30, 2017
I got my Comfrey order in and it was in great condition. Got them all in the ground this morning. I wanted to give you a special thank you for the DVD's you sent. We are on the same page. I have seen a couple of them already but look forward to watching the rest.
We live in the country, have acreage and water rights. We have a small homestead and are living the dream of moving to self-sufficiency. My chickens like Comfrey.
Thank you,
Gary R.
Aztec, New Mexico
March 21, 2017
Hey, I just wanted to shoot you an email to say thank you.
I ordered several cuttings as well as large plants from you back in Jan/feb of this year,
The root cuttings where planted in gallon pots around feb. 11th and many are already coming up, the large plants were planted on the 16th of feb. in 6 gallon cloth grow bags and they ate getting really big already.
I'm including a few pictures,
Thanks again for doing what you do,
Alexander P.
March 14, 2017
Just wanted to say thanks for the comfrey. It's doing great! It really shows that you not only care for
what you grow but for the people who buy it. May God bless you and your family
Craig H.
Alexander City, AL
March 7, 2017
Thank you for the fantastic looking plants. I could not be any more pleased with their strong appearance.
I was delighted to find my four plants carefully wrapped and still very much moist.
I will prize & take great care of them. Thanks again. Best wishes!
Dennis B.
Byhalia, MS
March 6, 2017
Great Plants Great service! Enjoyed our conversation.
The plants have already taken off heading skyward!
Thanks again! Have a blessed day.
Dennis B.
Byhalia, MS
April 6, 2017
Wanted to send a quick note to thank you for all the CD's. I've watched about 90% of them so far and wow, I've learned a lot.
My comfrey roots are in soil and under the heat lamp with my other seed starts. It's been warm here but I don't think its warm enough to plant the roots outside.
It was a pleasure talking with you over the phone. Have a great day.
Best regards,
Paula from Utah!
February 10, 2017
Thank you so much for the wonderful EXTRA, super duper bonus!!!! I received the comfrey crowns in perfect conditions and was extremely happy to see that you've added the bonus root cuttings. Thank you!
My students and I planted our crowns and root cuttings today in class. We pray for good weather and will be transplanting them into our "holes" in our school garden in the spring.
We hope you are in great health and we send our best regards.
Lan N., 5th Grade Teacher
San Jose, CA
February 9, 2017
I am so excited...the plants came in, very healthy, well packed, and I am not ready! I put them in big tubs, and will work on my raised beds this weekend.
I make an herbal cream with the leaves, I make an herbal infusion with olive, sesame, and vit E and calendula....
I can't wait to watch the dvds...thank you so much...and for all the extra plants and roots...you are very generous....I am ordering more later this spring...Thanks again..
Amy Vickers
Del Jardin Natural Products
Voca, TX
January 27, 2017
Mr. Coe,
I received my order today and was so impressed with the shipment I wanted to write and thanks you. The bonus roots and all of the information included in the order are very much appreciated. I look forward to watching the DVDs.
My wife, 3 children, and I have a small 5 acre farm in Salem, Alabama. We raise chickens,rabbits, goats, an occasional hog or two, and dabble in honey bees. The comfrey I've received will be a great addition to our garden and land, providing fodder and medicine for our humble homestead. Thank you again...
Justin S.
Ready Rooster Farm
Salem, Alabama
November 2, 2016
I grow them in our aquaponic system and feed them to the fish - keeps them healthy. Below is a picture of some of your comfrey I grew in Califonia .
Nani K.
Sparks, NV
June 25, 2016
Sure do appreciate all the 'extras' - haven't had a chance to view the DVDs yet, but pretty sure we're close to being on the same page concerning GMOs, etc. Also appreciated is the excellent packaging. Happily anticipating the first comfrey leaves!
Patty B.
Pelham, GA
June 20, 2016
I received my comfrey cuttings today, with great pleasure.
Am tempted to open the sawdust packs and look, but will keep them closed until Monday when I will have help to plant them ASAP.
And thank you very much for the DVDs etc.!
Ben H.
Hilo, Hawaii
June 19, 2016
I just wanted to say thank you for the comfrey. I received them last week and they are now in the ground..hopefully taking root.
Thank you,
Jim F.
Hot Springs, Arkansas
June 13, 2016
Thanks! This is my third order from you in the last couple years and I
always appreciate the great quality and service.
Take care!
Matthew F.
Bonners Ferry, Idaho
May 25, 2016
Thank you! I have the bed ready and am thankful for your company that provides this strain of comfrey. Looking forward to growing this amazing plant.
Laurie S.
Paden OK
May 21, 2016
Thanks, Bill, and tell Coe thanks too for the hard-work and follow-through and helpful resources provided with the product! My package came today and everything looks great. I rinsed the sawdust off of my plants/cuttings and I'm headed out to plant it right now before sunset. I have 67 chickens and I want to grow comfrey to feed to them. And also to myself. I enjoyed reading the pamphlets—I plan on putting comfrey in my smoothies now that I know that's a suggested use for it. I'm looking forward to watching the DVD provided too. Thanks for the great service and product. It sounds like comfrey sure is amazing stuff! Looking forward to growing it.
God's richest blessings to you,
Rachael W.
Rockford, Michigan
May 5, 2016
Wanted to let you know my plants just peaked through the ground yesterday, waiting for the root cuttings to follow, thanks again for sending such great comfrey. Very excited for opportunity to use as fertilizer!
Kathy Y.
April 29, 2016
I appreciate your communication. I am sharing my roots with several other folks to try and hopefully to become future customers for you all.
Thanks again!
Jill W.
April 24, 2016
Just wanted to let you know I got this order and I'm really happy with the plants and all the extras. Thanks a lot. Keep up the good work!
Joe R.
April 2, 2016
Thank you, The bonus roots were a great surprise, thank you also for the free cd's, those are all topics I share interest in as well. Excited to see them sprout, comfrey is great mixed into salads.
John Preiser
Owner, Johnmaster Snowmobile Traction Specialists<
Mukwonago, Wisconsin
April 2, 2016
They arrived, I planted them into their temporary pots, and they are being lovingly cared for while I await the first signs of leaf...
Tell Coe thanks...
Scott L.
St. Charles, Missouri
March 29, 2016
Thanks for doing a great job with updates and information. I'll be sure to recommend Coe's Comfrey to my customers.
I'm grateful!
Shoe Griffin
MoonDance Farm
Efland, NC
March 23, 2016
I wanted to let you know that the package arrived safely this evening, right after I got off of work. The package was so tiny I did not believe it could contain all that I ordered, but it turns out that you are a really good packer! Thank you for the extra root cuttings and crown cuttings you included. I am planning to get everything planted as quickly as possible.
The DVDs look great. I am watching the one on forest gardening now. Thank you for sharing. I'll definitely be keeping in touch.
All the best, and God bless.
Kimberly B.
Hudson, Florida
February 16, 2016
Hi, I thought Coe might enjoy these pictures of the comfrey crowns he sent me a few weeks ago, growing well.
Kimberly B.
Hudson, Florida
January 1, 2017
Hi Coe,
I just wanted to thank you for the plants and other extras that came with my recent order. The plants are sound and strong and I have heeled them in for now while I get their pots ready. I also appreciate the extra root cuttings you sent, as well as the DVD's. The whole permaculture/organic scene is right up my alley.
I will certainly share with others the great experience I have had ordering from Coe's Comfrey. When I get my waterfowl sanctuary/permaculture farm together, I hope the ducks and roosters take to the comfrey! If they do not, there seem to be plenty of other uses for it.
Lisa M.
Wilmington, Delaware
January 1, 2016
We received our order on May 28. Thank you for the DVDs, we will enjoy
them. Please let Coe know I enjoyed speaking with him after I placed
the order, and would have gotten back to him but we had major damage in a
house we were selling and have been dealing with that. It has been a
pleasure doing business with you.
Delena S.
June 1, 2015
Thank you so much for getting my comfrey order out to me so quickly.
The cuttings arrived last week, and I got them in the ground right away, ahead of my trip, for which I am super thankful.
Laura B.
Williamstown, Massachusetts
May 5, 2015
This is Don from Cattaraugus New York.
Wanted you to know. I started the root cuttings in a green house while we were waiting for the weather to break and to finish building our sale structures. Now those are built and our bare root fruit and berry stock is planted. The comfrey which is almost a foot tall now is going in today.
Love your stock, very pleased.
Best wishes,
Don H.
Cattaraugus, New York
April 28, 2015
I have been meaning to get in touch before now. Thank you so much for the Comfrey plants, instructions, and CD's. I followed your instructions in planting the plants. I have bought many plants on-line and none of the other vendors provide the instructions like you did. I can't tell you how helpful that was. I am studying permaculture right now but am certainly a beginner. Also thank you for the CD's. I travel a lot for work so have not seen them all yet but am looking forward to seeing them.
Thank you again.
Kelly W.
Winona, Texas
July 9, 2014
Just writing to say how much I appreciated your website. Have been using comfrey for a few years now making herbal salves and using it for compost tea and feed for the animals. Just recently read an article from the 50's about the use of comfrey as feed and growing it fields (larger scale production). Never knew it was used in this way before and thought, what a great idea. Last evening talked to Sister Diana (Bible Says Ministry) down in Tennessee and she mentioned your website. Went today and viewed and am just praising God and thankful for the information you have provided and the quality product you offer. Thank you for preserving this information and product and offering to the public.
Lords Blessings,
Brother Justin S.
July 18, 2012
Love your website and really love the comfrey. The V8 comfrey cocktail heals our tendonitis like nothing else. Thanks so much.
I tell everyone about your great service and wonderful product.
Good luck.
Mary T.
December 28, 2011
Please tell everybody you can about Coe's Comfrey and give them the website:
We'll all appreciate it!